Monday, May 23, 2011
A Rhyme in Time
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Ode to the Cockroach Coach
From Kanyakumari to great
We count up the critters,
My friends and I.
Cockroaches crawling all over the train
As we play, “would you rather…”,
Bam! There’s a new stain.
There’s one over your shoulder!
There’s one in your hair.
Ewwww. Cockroaches, cockroaches everywhere.
Slap! goes a sandal.
Smack! The bug is down.
The travellers around us disapprove with a frown.
Gina got forty!
Matthew got ten!
How many want to play this game again?
Anyone? Anyone?
Anyone at all?
The train is leaving…final call.
No? well, don’t worry
If you didn’t play.
Maybe you’ll ride another day.
On the Cockroach Coach from Kanyakumari to
We count up the hits,
My friends and I.
And as we pull into the station,
We heave a sigh.
Though no one is sorry to say, “Good-bye”
To the Cockroach Coach from Kanyakumari to
Watchman on the Wall
Oh, to be a watchman on the wall,
waiting for the sun to rise!
To announce its arrival,
To see beyond the darkness which surrounds us,
To see through the low, menacing clouds on the horizon,
And to declare, rejoice, run up the flag and sound the trumpet at its first appearing!
I want to be a watchman on the wall,
who pronounces hope instead of despair,
who rejoices in the beauty in the midst of gray.
Oh, to be the kind of watchman who waits for the morning!
It will come. Though it tarry, wait for it.
I want to be a good finder.
Let others be the ones to sound the alarm,
to see threats in every shadow.
I will scratch for reasons to hope.
I will not dig for reasons to despair.
Oh, to be a watchman on the walls,
To wait patiently for morning.